"Tell me: What's your label?"

W.C. Fields states " It isn't what they call you, it's what you answer to " How many of us dislike the label people give us? It could be in a form of a nick name, an embarrassing moment or even just a mistake. It almost seems like the label aka name is stuck with you for the rest of your life, or is that really the case? According to W.C. Fields above quote, he is saying that even though people may label us whatever they choose too, we don't actually have to claim it. Its when we do claim these labels, it then becomes apart of us. Other labels which you might be familiar with are: Worthless, spoilt unforgiven, dirty, disowned, failure, stupid, ugly or even one that was said to me before: Weak or emotional. These labels can either make us, damage us (self esteem & thoughts) or even break us. The question is, which one are you going to claim and which one are you going to ignore? Better yet, is it fair to say that we should disregard all...