I Accept Me!

Life can be tough. As people, we get knocked back and forth by circumstances, some of which are within our control and others that are beyond our control. We make decisions, good and bad, impacting every part of our world. These decisions make way for prosperous fruit or a decaying life. Influence is such a powerful tool in society. A person who has it gripped firmly in their hands can become a positive icon or a destructive weapon. In our IT savvy, external ‘want now’ generation, the meaning of identity has become blurred. Our understanding of ‘self’ has become personally absorbing and dependent upon temporary things. Culture and traditions, lifestyle gadgets including music and technology, religion, politics, the media; are just a few warranted soldiers of influence. Each warring against us to give us their personal brand, becoming deceived by the alternate delusion they present to us. Flicking through magazines of some edited images that are supposed to be the ‘re...