"A Future to look forward to"

As we come to a close for this month & year of 2013 what type of memories does it hold for you? Do you have more low moments than high ones? Or were you faced with challenges that helped you to grow into becoming a better person? Whatever your answer will be regarding the above, I want you to take something away from it all. Every setback, every obstacle, every pain, lost of even feared actions at times, does not defeat you, if you learn to see them for what they are and walk forward in victory of conquering it. You are never knocked down if you keep getting up and trying again. As I reflected on this year, whilst writing in my journal I realised that at first I mentioned having more low times in my life & families life than highs this year, but as I continued to write God showed me how much I actually was blessed with this year, for example: my little niece was born, I was confirmed & rededicated my life to Christ, BFM had its first ever Christmas dinner, we took o...