''Mistakes has no hold on me''

MISTAKES : We all make them, small or big. We can beat ourselves up about them and dig a hole deep enough to hide ourselves in or we can choose to not let it get the best of us, defeat it all and make room for improvement by owning up to the mistak es and creating a solution, through apologies, taking up responsibilities in the area you may have slacked this and most of all having peace of mind. You see the thing is, the enemy only wants to steal ( The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.... John 10:10 ) your peace and make you think that what you have done is so unforgivable, he wants you walking around with your head down, like no one wants to care for you, let alone be around you. But the reality is, there are genuine people who really want to see you grow, improve and develop into the beautiful person that you ought/are to be. Mistakes can rein our interior as well as our exterior. How? Interior - By damaging our moods, our attitude towards life and others, by co...