It is fair to say that being bold is not always easy to be. To be able to step out of your comfort zone into an uncomfortable position can become very challenging especially alone. But at the same time, sometimes that bold step just needs to be done. Fear tends to be the go to option whenever you are trying to accomplish something beyond your strength or capability. But this shouldn't be an option in your life at all. Being bold is declaring you are A B eautiful O riginal L ady D estined for greatness. It means to have the courage to get back up again no matter how many times you may have fallen, failed, slipped or even just plain old made mistakes which you may find hard to forgive yourself about. Being bold is facing up to those fears and stating: 'I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.' ( Philippines 4:13) Just be real with yourself. Only you know truly what you can handle and you also know what you cannot. At this point that...