Unknown Waters

The ‘unknown’ by its very nature is not something that’s within the range of an individual’s knowledge. It is actually an unfamiliar, strange place; it can often be uncomfortable. Liken it to something that is NEW or can be NEW to us. How often do we find ourselves in the place of the unknown? Situations and circumstances that are new to us or require us to respond in a different way than that of which we usually would, in order to get a more effective result. We have all had our fair share of being in the ‘unknown.’ When something is new or unexplored, it can be quite scary. Sometimes we don’t always respond well to something new… to CHANGE. We react rather than respond. Sometimes emotions exceed their limit and things happen, even at times, our decisions might not always be the best. However, we must be able to MANOEUVRE in the unknown. Think about water. When we are in waters that we are familiar with; where we can touch the floor with our feet, maintain it at a leve...