Scars: By Rachel Obozua
Everyone has had scars. A time back when you were little you fell
over and hurt yourself days down the line the wound healed but left a scar. It
was always the deeper more serious wounds that stayed for years, even though the
event was when you were weeny you still look back on that scar and the memories
haven't left the feeling of the pain and how it happened. Sometimes the
memories behind those scars even bring us shame and hurt today.
Childhood scars are not all that serious when we know it was caused by
riding our bikes to fast, scrapping our legs on the pavements etc, we get over
them soon enough and tell of our careless fall and even laugh at the
memories even though at the time we cried.
However, as we continue in life some scars are more serious than others.
Some scars we would rather hide than it bring back memories of the pain of a
traumatic experience, one we don't want to remember or share. These scars were
perhaps made through abuse bullying or the physical harm of someone else.
Sometimes these scars were made through self-harm, for example cutting maybe
that's the story of your scars.
Ever watched lion king? Remember scar face and the daunting song…deception disgrace...? Perhaps you feel the same.
Ever watched lion king? Remember scar face and the daunting song…deception disgrace...? Perhaps you feel the same.
Even when scars bring you shame there are some scars you can get away
with hiding and some you cannot and though it’s healed physically its left you
emotionally scarred for life. It’s like reliving the experience over and over
again and like reopening the wound when someone asks what happened.
Let me tell you this: whatever your scars may be and however they got
there you do not need to be ashamed of them. God sees your scars and wants to
use your story for His glory.
You may be saying how does anyone understand the pain I went through and how can God!
We may think God is too far to understand what we’ve been through, let
alone feel our human pains. But we are reminded that God became a man (Jesus) who
felt every pain possible we could ever feel, this is why the Bible says: ‘For we do not have a high priest who is
unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted
in every way, just as we are yet he did not sin.’( Hebrews 4:15)
Jesus Himself felt and experienced pain on the cross: ‘But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was on him; and with his stripes we are healed’ (Isaiah 53:5).
When Jesus died He took our physical punishment upon Himself. He was
first beaten made to wear a crown of thorns had nails in His hands and feet all
for us, even though we deserved it. Showing that all the scars that you
didn't deserve He understands it wasn't your fault, He also bears the scars of
the pain that He didn't deserve.
Jesus understands your shame; he was stripped
of his robe and beaten publicly, so He understands the scars of abuse you are
embarrassed of.
The scars Jesus bore were the only way some of his disciples knew it was truly Him that rose from the dead. The disciple named Thomas doubted Jesus when he had risen again: ‘So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." (John 20:25) but he believed after he saw the scars Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"(John 20: 27-28)
The scars Jesus bore were the only way some of his disciples knew it was truly Him that rose from the dead. The disciple named Thomas doubted Jesus when he had risen again: ‘So the other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." (John 20:25) but he believed after he saw the scars Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe." Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"(John 20: 27-28)
His scars became evidence of His death and
resurrection. Also He said "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I
myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I
have." (Luke 24:39)
Similarly it may seem like you have been characterized by your scars and have
to keep sharing the story of how you got your scars or feel your pain to convince others of what you have been through, but just
like Jesus scars like your own is evidence of what you have been through, but like Jesus your scars show victory
over death/pain "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through
our Lord Jesus Christ". (1 Corinthians 15:5)
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?"
(vs 55) These verses show that though your scars may show you were a victim , through Jesus you have overcome that incident abuse or that hard time.
Scars also show pain the
physical/emotional pain that bought the scar. Through Jesus they can turn to
joy. It may sound absurd but the Bible says Jesus looked to the end and it
bought Him joy: "Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the
cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honour beside
God's throne". (Hebrews 12:2). God knows the things we will encounter
but hear the words of Jesus for this situation now
"Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy" (John 16:20).
"Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy" (John 16:20).
You will have joy at the end of it. Overcoming
a hard trial brings joy when you know you are at the end of it. The one
thing the devil wants is to steal your joy and your testimony, he knows
that sharing how you have overcome your testing and difficult time will defeat
him and save others.
Every time we share what Jesus has done we
speak of Christ victory and the enemies defeat. This is why he wants you to
quiet and feel ashamed about it, but when you share your story as a testimony,
this brings hope to others.
So by giving God all your scars not only will
He use it for His glory but He will heal you and take you through to victory.
Remember that is why Jesus bore our scars: But he was wounded for our
transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was on him; and with his stripes we are
healed (Isaiah 53:5).
Perhaps reading this you are in a situation where you are still being scarred and abused. Don't lose hope. Remember the Bible says: "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later". (Romans 8:18).
Perhaps reading this you are in a situation where you are still being scarred and abused. Don't lose hope. Remember the Bible says: "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later". (Romans 8:18).
When Jesus rose again He didn't remain the
same the bible says that now He is seated at the right hand side of God in His
full glory and power and when He returns we will see Him this way. The end
result of who you will be is a stronger, bolder person if you allow God to
refine you in the process you can confess John 23:10: "But he
knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as
gold". God also is able to deliver you out of that situation,
maybe it’s an abusive relationship or friendship, you need to realize your
worth and not remain there, the scars that Jesus bares shows that His love
for us was more than the price He had to pay and if He could bare those scars
for you and me, it shows how worth it
you are to Him. You may feel those scars make you look ugly but it shows
your worth. Jesus is the king of kings yet He was slain. This glorified Him and
shows of His worth as the Bible says: "In a loud voice they were
saying: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth
and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise!" (Revelations
So remember your worth in the situation you
are in, don't let it defeat your esteem. God will provide a way of escape if
you cry out to Him "...he will also provide a way out so that you can
endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13) God will either allow you to go
through it for His glory to show you that you are strong and be a testimony for
Him or He will deliver you for as it says in the former part of v 13: "And
God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can
The significance of the story is that this came from Paul's experience of having a thorn in his flesh he begged for God to remove it but He didn't; rather Jesus wanted to use it for His glory: "...there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me... to keep me from exalting myself. Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness..." (2 Corinthians 12: 7-9) .
You may not be able to get rid of your scars easily, but God wants to use it to show His strength in you its a message to your
abusers that you are strong and an overcomer.
See Jesus scars shows He overcame death. In three
days He went from death to resurrection, to life. Your scars may reflect a
situation of death of your self esteem, your joy and identity but when you find
your worth in God and realize you are strong it brings resurrection, The same
power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in you "And if the
Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised
Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his
Spirit who lives in you".(Romans 8:11).
If you have accepted Him into your heart, that resurrection power lives inside you. He can resurrect whatever has become dead, so speak life to it! Not only does it bring life to you but your story can bring life to someone else as Jesus death bought us life. There could be someone out there experiencing what you have been through maybe even considering suicide, giving up or any negative option but your story of overcoming, can show that they too can have hope. Life becomes restored to that person by hearing your story!
So don't be ashamed of your scars hopefully
you can now take a different outlook on your scars be them visual or emotional scars.
The only way any scares can be healed is
through remembering Jesus scars for you that if He could bare those scars for
your numerous sins you can through His grace come to a place of forgiving those
people who caused your scars too. Because every time you remember them you feel pain this shows it is not
good to have those inwards scars but healing comes through Jesus scars by His
death on the cross Therefore your healing comes when you allow His grace to
work in you letting go of that pain and hurt.
This will
happen when you like those childhood scars you now laugh at, even though you
re-tell it and look back you won't feel pain and resentment because of
what Christ did to forgive you, you can also forgive others and be healed of
your emotional scars. As the message of the cross is two-fold about judgement
and mercy, yes Jesus' scars show God's judgment on sin but they also tell of
God's grace to forgive and let this be your story too.
What next? The process of forgiving and being healed is not so soon, some peoples journeys take longer than others but start by talking to God. He already knows about your life and pain so you can be honest. The scars you cover up to others you can open up before God and He will not laugh or scorn you the Bible says: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7).
If you choose not to it will be like a viscous wound that is infected if not treated and cared for. For this reason you need to open those scars before a loving God who feels all your
pain and understands. He wants to heal you and take good care of you.
Take a quick look at the story of the woman at the well (John4:1-42). This is to show that Jesus came to restore what was lost in us. He healed the sick and lame
throughout scripture in the Bible. We evidencently see that, even today.
shows Jesus heals because he wants to, especially if we allow Him to do so, just like He asked the man at
the pool of Bethesda: "...Would you like to get well?" (John
5:8). Your response is to say yes to Him and He will heal you.
Take note of this:
Jesus came to
heal and the devil came to steal.
Jesus came to restore and the devil comes to kill.
Jesus came to bring life in abundance: John 10:10 "....I have come that they may have
life, and have it to the full."

These verses show that you can trade your sorrows and scars He will beautify you in return.
Your heart is that place Jesus wants to come
in and heal you. For Him to heal you, you just have to give Him permission. He wants to
come in " Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and
open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends". (Revelations
If you would like to know how to allow Jesus
into your heart simply ask Him but firstly:
A: accept Him as your Lord and Savior it's
like opening that door and letting Him in (allow Him to save you from your sin/transgressions against God) to enable you to live a Holy life.
B: believe, you
need to trust Him for what He will do, by putting your faith in Him, trusting in who He is and what
he has already done for you on the cross. It is through faith which leads the way to receive the gift of salvation you may not always be able to see it but you can recieve Him through faith.
C: confess your sins to Him the things you
know are separating you from Him when you confess, you are saying sorry so that
He can forgive you and help you start a brand new fresh loving life with Him; helping, protecting and guiding you.
If you want to put this into a little prayer
you could say " Dear Jesus, I believe that you died on the cross
for me, with the blood that you shed wash me clean of my sin. I ask you
to be my Lord and Savior I want to be saved from my sin and for all I have done. I
am sorry and I ask that you will forgive me, I open up the door of my heart unto You and
ask You to live in me and be in my life, thank you Jesus for forgiving me,
Now you have given Him entrance you can ask
Him to heal you as well " Dear my Lord and Savior Jesus, I ask
that you would heal me of my emotional and physical scars (whatever you are
facing say here) by your stripes you bore on the cross and by the power of your
resurrection give me the strength to rise out of from it all as you did victorious. I give you my wounded heart that you would heal me because I trust you. Amen"
These are just model prayers you can follow, adjust so that it fits what you have or still is going through. Having Jesus in your heart is an amazing experiences and journey. You may feel you need further support in certain areas of your life, so we do advice you get a Bible, get into going to church where Christ is the foundation, to strengthen your walk
with God.
It's just like someone just recovered from hospital learning to walk again perhaps in this process you need a little support and a shoulder to lean on. The bible says in James 5:6 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." You need people who you can trust to talk to confidently and who can pray with you effectively.
It's just like someone just recovered from hospital learning to walk again perhaps in this process you need a little support and a shoulder to lean on. The bible says in James 5:6 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." You need people who you can trust to talk to confidently and who can pray with you effectively.
If you are looking for such a place, why not come join us at BFM (Beautiful faces Ministries) we are a sisterhood of ladies who you can talk and pray with. So please do get in contact with us below or attend a session at a local home group
near you. Simply message us on any of the contacts provided on our website or email us at:
Was this an interesting topic, We would love to hear from you.
There are women in
societies where scars is a symbol of identity to which tribe they belong and
often seen as beautiful, what is your take on this? to discuss write to below or at:
whats your story of hope?.
Share your story: If you have a story about your scars and you would like to share it with others to bring hope to someone else why not share it and if you give us permission we will post it.
FURTHER Reading/communication/Questions:
Mercy Ministries UK is a national charity dedicated to providing a six-month, free-of-charge residential programme for young women, ages 18-28, suffering from life-controlling issues such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, and the effects of abuse in all its forms.
Mercy Ministries UK is a national charity dedicated to providing a six-month, free-of-charge residential programme for young women, ages 18-28, suffering from life-controlling issues such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, and the effects of abuse in all its forms.
Here are some links to some inspirational
stories linked with today's blog
Joyce Meyer: watch how she overcame sexual
Lacey Moseley listen to her story:
Originaly By: Rachel Obozua (Hayes Branch Group Leader)
Identify. Embrace and Uphold Your True Beauty
Beautiful Faces Ministries
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