
Showing posts from September, 2012

"Ode to the Creator of Love"

Written By my cousin Ruth Obozua.... After years of dreaming, and constantly believing that one day I would be 'in' love, deep in love, real love. Not on the side walk of lust which is a fabricated image of what true love is;  filled with fleeting, never satisfied desire sugar coated sin, but in love. I'm not in a place where I'm giving and love isn't reciprocated back, and instead emotional blackmail of the heart is given (aka abuse), but in love where to give  certainly means to receive. Neither am I in a place where what I deem as love is love, but in reality is darkness and bondage of the soul. A web entangling myself in invisible threads of supposed romance and ties of emotional, spirit dividing chords that need divine power to break. I'm in love, a love that's freeing. A love that's redeeming, a love that's fresh, so pure and so scared. So if I'm correct, and I say God is love (which He is) and wants me to be a partaker of His k...

"Be the ONE to say Thank You"

Luke 17:11-19 If you read the verses from above you will be taken back to a well-known story of the ten men who had leprosy... To give you a quick summary, ten men had a leprosy decease, which was very deadly, and made them all isolated from the rest of others. Jesus came alone and didn’t see separation, but love and had the willingness to heal them. All ten where healed but only one realised this and returned back to Jesus, fell at His feet and said ‘Thank You’. When I hear and read this story I really feel one of the strong points about this passage was not only the main fact that Jesus can heal us of our sickness, but most of all the gratitude the one man of the ten expressed in verse 15 -16 and this is what he said and done..." One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him..." You see, the thing is, I believe God is showing us this about our selves (Character, Attitude,...

"Beauty Glow"

Just as the light brings a clearer view into a room, or eliminates the darkness with its rays. So your beauty should be seen in the midst of people you meet. Beauty never really needs to be explained or dictated. It should be seen and gazed upon & admired, never threatening but inviting. For our beauty to fade into the mist of ‘norm’ or be taken captive by creative mainstream images can only be hurtful to our personal beauty and not bring across the bright delight it should. Staying away from things that could damage your beauty, like negative thoughts, not thinking your good enough, worth it or even a treasure is a must. Begin to look at yourself as God see you, otherwise known as Beautifully made. Begin to check yourself out and be grateful for the person He has created you to be. Let your beauty continue to shine and let people completely feel invited to want to talk to you, want to get to know you and may just want to date, marry and dine with you. In the...

Your Insides Prt1

In one of these doors, I work. As beautiful as it looks on the outside, what does the inside hold? What stories are told? What words are exchanged? And how are people really treated? The thing is, this could be the same with our personal lives (body, mind & soul) At times we can look all glam & glitzy on the outside, not showing any indication of flaws, but truly what are we dealing with on the inside. Could it be utter mess, pain, sadness, shame or just plain old negativity? In Matthew 15:18 'But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.' Therefore correct me if I'm wrong; the flip side must mean, if our hearts are right & so is our mindset, then surely our mouths will speak of greatness rather than deceit? Pointer: As much as we strive to take care of our outside appearance, we should also take more care of our inner self. Living, acting & behaving right is only but the start....

"In her shoes: If the shoes don't fit!"

Don't these shoes look awesome? Well, their not mines, they belong to my cousin Mary. The thing is I look up to my big cousin, and as high as these heels are she glides with ease. However with me on the other hand, it takes some time, uncomfortable feelings & sometimes pain, (hey, don't judge me, yes, I'm still learning to walk in heels). The thing is, I wanted to be just like her and walk in all these glamour heels. And at the age of 20/21, I dated this guy who liked his ladies in heels. And yes I liked him at the time, so I wanted to please him. My next actions was going into Top Shop and buying a pair of boot heels. I still remember them till today, they looked cute from the outside, black & sophisticated, but boy once they went on maybe half an hour, they began to hurt. You could say I was walking like a 'chicken'... Lol... Heels were just not for me at that time. See, we as ladies look great in heels and there are certain ones that ...

"You Are Perfect In God’s Eyes"

Hey Beautiful’s , I love reading Joseph Prince Daily Grace Inspirations , it always inspires me to move forward, with my head lifted high, reminding me that I am not condemned, but free and forgiven and this truth/hope is the same for you. Below you will find today's Grace Inspiration by Joseph Prince. As I was encouraged I hope you also will be. .Keep being beautiful . Hebrews 10:12, 14, KJV 12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God... 14 For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. God sees you with no flaw, spot or imperfection, so honour His Word and the finished work of His Son by saying, “Amen!” Don’t doubt your perfection in Christ. To see yourself, as far from being perfect is not modesty, but a failure to understand the perfect sacrifice that Jesus has made for you. The Bible tells us, “For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified”. Did you ge...

"The shining star"

As I laid in my bed with the curtains opened I looked up to see a star. It was smiling down on me with its glittering lights, winking saying hello. As I re-angled myself in my bed, I realised it started to disappear, where did my glittering friend just go? Moving back only to see it was still there. Then a thought came to mind….. Just as we see the star, so you see God ever present looking down and smiling on you. And even though you may turn away from Him or go into places that may seem so dark, He is still there. Meaning, God is everywhere even if you can't see Him. Oh what great joy to know & see God taking the time to teach us such a great lesson in the midst of creation. For when I looked up again the star was now gone. Lesson well learnt. Remember in the small or big things God is ever so present. It's just us who need to take the time out to look upon it and stand still to embrace all that He has to teach, express or just show us. And when we do. We...

"Some Cute Outfits"

So, I was just on the web looking around the word beautiful and I found this cute outfit 1 which lead to a few others.  I must admit I do love my colours and fashion.  So here is some for you ladies to check out. Outfit 1 - 'You are beautiful, no matter what they say...'                                                             Outfit 2 - This one is called 'Date Me'. Outfit 3 - Simplicity can still look, lovely and fashionable.   ** For more fabulous and beautiful styles and fashion tips please do visit:


(Original writer unknown)

"Looking for love in all the wrong places..."

Originally Written on: 05/09/2012 There where times when I felt so low, so alone & so unworthy. I would not even do the honours of looking in the mirror to tell myself this, but I was constantly thinking this whilst wondering will someone ever love me? I would wish to be in a relationship, just to feel wanted, appreciated and loved, but each one either left me feeling ashamed or heart broken. Times have flown past, and yes God calls, He reaches out to me. At this point, you can either say 'Yes Lord I'm listening', or turn away & ignore the call. Many times I turned away, but not this time. Enough was enough. Ladies, there are so many of us, who hide behind the negative thoughts the longing to be loved that we miss the one true love from our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ. When I wrote in my journals, about how much I wished to be in a relationship & be treated better or just to be happy, there was always a tug upon my heart to find it ...


Originally written on: 07/08/2012 These sayings/thoughts; they don't care, look at me, I don't feel pretty let alone beautiful, no-one would like me let alone ask me out. No one wants me. Does these words sound familiar? To some, it means a broken heart, to others it means transitioning and to the rest it means the past. Neither men nor situations or circumstances determine your worth but God! You might have had a long relationship, you may have been dating for years, nearly married only to see it all crash in your face. Does this mean your worth has been de-valued and all hope is lost? No! You might have fought with your parents, nearly all your life, taken words of abuse & emotionally feel drain. Does this de-value you? Of course not. God has redeemed you, He wants to restore you to be that women of integrity to know you are so valued more than you can ever imagine. Just because it didn't work out with your ex or in relationships with pa...

"Don't miss out!"

Originally Written on : 01/08/2012 Ladies, don't miss out on all that God has for you. Sometimes we can stare too much on what others have and is doing that we forget we are also living life. Ladies, only stare to be encourage, to be inspired and to be determined to move forward. But if what you hear, see or feel takes or moves you backwards, then your already staring too hard or just looking too much in the wrong direction. Be determined to get the best God has for YOU. Others might help you to achieve Gods blessings in your life and it's okay to seek help from others. But just remember you have an even greater creator, director who is willing to give you everything and not let you miss out on anything. Your best is yet to come, keep your focus on God! Written by Faith Dore

"You are Special"

Originally Written: 19/06/2012  You can walk on with your head lifted high, for you are Special. Not many people here those words spoken to them. But it’s truer than you will ever know. Yes, you might not seem to be like everyone else. But that should make you smile, for you are no one else but yourself. You are an amazing, talented, strong, beautiful person both inside and out. And it’s only all the negativity of the world or past mistakes, hurts or wounds that will make you feel otherwise. But please do hear me. You are stronger than you know, bolder than you ever think and have an amazing smile. You might not hear this spoken to you, but there is no time like the presence and this is what God thinks of you. When you smile and feel real peace and joy in your heart, it makes Him smile. He is not made at you. He just wants what is best for you. His word says: If earthly fathers can give good gifts, how much more will your heavenly father give you good gifts ...

"Do you know that you are perfectly made?"

Originally Written on: 19/06/2012 It seems at times we give ourselves less credit than we are due. We belittle ourselves to what society says rather than acknowledging and appreciating who we truly are. After all Society didn’t originally create us, God did. If we allow society to shape our identity, we tend to loses ourselves and become what others expect us to be. You where made the way you are for a reason, some of us might not see it right now, or some of us are actually not looking hard enough. Ladies we allow ourselves to be blinded from our own beauty that we embrace others beauty instead of our own. Question: What makes you think you are not beautiful, What makes you think someone else looks better than you, Who told you that are not beautiful, Is the word ‘Beautiful’ ever use towards you? All these questions have different answers from different ladies views or life experiences. But the main answer to all the above, is that no matter, what people may...

"Staying in the Right Attitude"

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. 'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.' So she did and she had a wonderful day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. 'H-M-M,' she said, 'I think I'll part my hair down the middle today.' So she did and she had a grand day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. 'Well,' she said, 'today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail.' So she did, and she had a fun, fun day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head. 'YAY!' she exclaimed. 'I don't have to fix my hair today!' Attitude is everything. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you mee...