"In her shoes: If the shoes don't fit!"
The thing is I look up to my big cousin, and as high as these heels are she
glides with ease.
However with me on the other hand, it takes some time, uncomfortable feelings
& sometimes pain, (hey, don't judge me, yes, I'm still learning to walk in
The thing is, I wanted to be just like her and walk in all these glamour heels.
And at the age of 20/21, I dated this guy who liked his ladies in heels. And
yes I liked him at the time, so I wanted to please him. My next actions was
going into Top Shop and buying a pair of boot heels.
I still remember them till today, they looked cute from the outside, black
& sophisticated, but boy once they went on maybe half an hour, they began
to hurt. You could say I was walking like a 'chicken'... Lol... Heels were just
not for me at that time.
But what we ladies try & do is wear other’s shoes that just don’t fit.
My cousin’s shoes might look great, but she knows how to manage it, because
it's hers.
This is the same with our lives. We can't try to be like someone else because
it is not our life to live.
Some people's life look great on the outside, but on the inside they might be
hurting, struggling or even broken.
It's about time we stay in our own shoes, our own inches and gradually grow
into the women we ought to be.
Wasting your dreams & hopes in wanting to imitate others can lead to total destruction.
And as I felt pain in those heels; I knew I couldn't manage. And this comes
with the same pressure of pain we give ourselves, faking & struggling to be
something we are not.
Ladies, walk in your own shoes, borrowing shoes (advice, insights, directions)
is not a crime, but once learnt give it back as it was not originally yours to
Embrace your beauty, embrace your likes & dislikes, embrace your worth
& love yourself for who & what you are and not for what you are not.
A little word of advice. Don't wear heels to please no man, unless that is what
you truly want to do for Yourself. At the end of the day, I lost the heels
& the guy I was dating, it just wasn’t worth holding unto a relationship
that I couldn’t be myself. Any regrets, yes & no cause I have greatly
learnt from it all.
You Are Beautiful, just the way you are and don't forget that.
To find out how to really manage heels, take a glance at
this website…. Some good insight: http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/high-heel-survival-guide-050200742.html
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