"Beauty Glow"
Just as the light brings a clearer view into a room, or
eliminates the darkness with its rays. So your beauty should be seen in the
midst of people you meet.
Beauty never really needs to be explained or dictated. It
should be seen and gazed upon & admired, never threatening but inviting.
For our beauty to fade into the mist of ‘norm’ or be taken
captive by creative mainstream images can only be hurtful to our personal beauty
and not bring across the bright delight it should.
Staying away from things that could damage your beauty, like
negative thoughts, not thinking your good enough, worth it or even a treasure
is a must.
Begin to look at yourself as God see you, otherwise known as
Beautifully made. Begin to check yourself out and be grateful for the person He
has created you to be.
Let your beauty continue to shine and let people completely
feel invited to want to talk to you, want to get to know you and may just want
to date, marry and dine with you. In the book Captivating by John and Stasi
Eldredge, this is said “ A women who is unveiling her beauty is inviting others
to life. She risks being vulnerable: exposing her true heart and inviting
others to share theirs, she is not demanding, but she is hopeful”.
Beauty doesn't really come at a cost… For everyone is
beautiful deep down, its just how you maintain, view and behave with your
beauty determines whether it glows or dimmers.
Keep Being Beautiful.
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